About the Journal

The KLISC Journal of Information Science and Knowledge Management (KLISC JISKM), ISSN: 3005-4923, is the official publication of the Kenya Library and Information Services Consortium (KLISC).  It is a full text, open access, peer-reviewed publication dedicated to the exchange of the latest academic research and practical information on all aspects of information Science and Knowledge Management. The journal maintains high standards and only accepts original research papers after they have undergone a thorough peer-review process conducted by subject experts.

Publication Frequency

The KLISC Journal of Information Science and Knowledge Management (KLISC JISKM) follows a bi-annual publication schedule, meaning it is released twice a year.

Open Access Policy

KLISC JISKM operates as an open-access publication, granting free access to its articles for users and institutions alike. The journal adheres to Open Access principles, promoting unrestricted access to research publications. Articles featured in this journal are released under a Creative Commons licence agreement, allowing authors to retain copyright over their works.

Article Processing Charges

The KLISC Journal of Information Science & Knowledge Management (KLISC JISKM) does not impose any Article Processing Charges (APCs) on its authors.

Peer Review Process

As a peer-reviewed scholarly journal, KLISC JISKM only accepts original research papers after they have undergone a thorough peer-review process conducted by subject experts.

KLISC JISKM adopts a double-blind peer review for manuscripts submitted to the journal.  As such, the identity of both authors and reviewers and their affiliation details are kept anonymous to avoid biases and maintain quality.

Each new submission is assigned to 2-3 peer reviewers.

The reviewers are asked to complete the review process within four weeks and submit their report to the Chief Editor, who then makes editorial decisions to be conveyed to the authors based on the peer reviewers' recommendations.
