Does the use of library electronic resources promote environmental sustainability? Perceptions from staff and postgraduate students at the University of Embu, Kenya

Does the use of library electronic resources promote environmental sustainability? Perceptions from staff and postgraduate students at the University of Embu, Kenya



Environmental sustainability, Electronic resources, E-library, University library, Embu University, Climate change


University libraries are expected to adopt environmentally friendly practices to promote sustainability. This is achieved by instituting energy-efficient measures such as embracing smart waste management, installing solar panels on the roof, having energy-efficient lighting systems, embarking on recycling programs, and embracing electronic resources, among others. However, print materials are still widely used, increasing their negative impacts on the environment through the use of chemicals, and cutting down of trees for paper processing. The study aimed to investigate the perception of staff and students at the University of Embu on the role of e-resources use as a measure to promote environmental sustainability. The objectives include determining the use of e-resources at the University of Embu; assess library users' perception of the connection between electronic resources use and environmental sustainability and evaluate staff and students’ perceptions regarding the effectiveness of e-resources use as a measure to promote environmental sustainability. The study used a survey research design, targeting 490 participants; comprising 468 postgraduate students, 14 library staff, and 8 management staff selected using simple random and convenience sampling techniques. Data collection involved the use of semi-structured questionnaires that were pretested to check their validity and reliability. SPSS was used to analyze quantitative data; where mean, percentage, and standard deviation were calculated. The qualitative data were analyzed using the thematic technique. The findings show that although the use of e-library by postgraduate students contributes significantly to reducing environmental footprint, the utilization of e-resources was average, with the participants having different perceptions regarding the effectiveness of the introduced measures. The study noted a need for university libraries to institute mechanisms for increasing the usage of e-resources in learning. The University of Embu should continue supporting the use of e-resources and embrace e-communication in the institution, which will reduce paperwork and ultimately minimize the carbon footprint, promoting environmental sustainability.


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How to Cite

Maina, A. M., & Gichohi, P. M. (2024). Does the use of library electronic resources promote environmental sustainability? Perceptions from staff and postgraduate students at the University of Embu, Kenya. KLISC Journal of Information Science & Knowledge Management, 1(2).




How to Cite

Maina, A. M., & Gichohi, P. M. (2024). Does the use of library electronic resources promote environmental sustainability? Perceptions from staff and postgraduate students at the University of Embu, Kenya. KLISC Journal of Information Science & Knowledge Management, 1(2).