Perceived usefulness and ease of use of user-generated content by librarians on social media for information services delivery in public tertiary institutions in Katsina State

Perceived usefulness and ease of use of user-generated content by librarians on social media for information services delivery in public tertiary institutions in Katsina State


  • Aliyu Nasir Kankara Novelty Book and Library Services Limited
  • Lawal Umar Department of Library and Information Science, Umaru Musa Yar’Adua University, Katsina State


librarians, perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, user-generated content, Social Media, tertiary institutions


The paper provided an analysis of the perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use of user-generated content on social media for information service delivery by librarians in public tertiary institutions in Katsina state, Nigeria. Quantitative research method using survey research design was employed to guide the study. The population of the study consisted of one hundred and forty-one (141) librarians in thirteen (13) public tertiary institutions in Katsina State. Total Enumeration sampling was used to select all the 141 librarians as sample size. A self-developed questionnaire was the instrument used for data collection. The findings of the study revealed that librarians found WhatsApp, Facebook, and YouTube easy to use for information services. Creating useful content for relative value, increasing research and services delivery, collaborative authoring, conferencing, virtual meetings, discussions, and dissemination of information, and ideas had unprecedented usefulness on librarians use of user-generated content on social media for information services. Furthermore, these results indicated that librarians do not perceive social media to be useful for uploading their intellectual publications like journal articles, and conference proceedings for relative value and informing users on new changes in library professions, and other spectrum of knowledge in time. It was therefore recommended that Institutions should provide targeted training and clear guidelines for librarians to improve their ease of use and effectiveness across all social media platforms, particularly LinkedIn and Tik-Tok and libraries should encourage the adoption of social media for uploading intellectual publications and sharing professional updates to boost awareness and increase the utilization of library resources.


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How to Cite

Kankara, A. N., & Umar, L. (2025). Perceived usefulness and ease of use of user-generated content by librarians on social media for information services delivery in public tertiary institutions in Katsina State. KLISC Journal of Information Science & Knowledge Management, 2(2), 1-10.




How to Cite

Kankara, A. N., & Umar, L. (2025). Perceived usefulness and ease of use of user-generated content by librarians on social media for information services delivery in public tertiary institutions in Katsina State. KLISC Journal of Information Science & Knowledge Management, 2(2), 1-10.